About RAL

Research in Anthropology and Linguistics (RAL) was initially established in 1995, an outgrowth of Working Papers in Anthropology, Archaeology, Linguistics and Maori Studies (discontinued in 1990).

In 2005, two separate series were distinguished, RAL Monographs for longer contributions with significant theoretical and/or methodological contributions to the discipline and RAL-electronic (RAL-e) with a focus on disseminating substantive results and technical data.

RAL Monographs are peer-reviewed and intended as significant theoretical and/or methodological contributions to the discipline. Preference is given to research undertaken by staff and students of Anthropology and Applied Language Studies and Linguistics at The University of Auckland, but other manuscripts that deal with subjects of special interest to anthropologists are also considered.

The issues in each series are numbered consecutively as independent contributions and appear at irregular intervals.

Editorial board

Editorial Board Chair:
Dr Phyllis Herda

Editorial Board:
Dr Phyllis Herda, Dr Heather Battles
Publications staff: Tim Mackrell (Staff Photographer) 

Anthropology, the University of Auckland
Faculty of Arts, the University of Auckland


The RAL Committee asks that all authors sign the following agreement.

The RAL Committee affirms that the author of a contribution to RAL holds copyright to that work, but in consideration of publishing the work requires that:

1.    The author accepts RAL's right to keep in print the publication of which the author's contribution is a part, or to authorise the reprinting of that contribution as a separate item.

2.    RAL accepts that the author may, without consultation, agree to the reprinting of the work in collections, symposia, anthologies, or periodicals provided that acknowledgement is given that the work first appeared in Research in Anthropology and Linguistics.

3.    Further, it is the responsibility of the author(s) to seek permission for republication of any images that are copyrighted and signing this document constitutes agreement with these conditions on the part of the author(s).

Download the copyright declaration agreement