Recent PhD thesis topics

Recently completed PhD theses in Asian Studies.

  • Yu-Wen Chih - The cultural representation of Taiwaneseness and Taiwanese nationalism in Li Qiao’s Wintry Night Trilogy
  • Patrick Flamm - Korea's growing role(s) on the world stage – South Korean identity and global foreign policy in the early 21st century
  • Jihye Kim - Ethnicity and opportunity: Korean entrepreneurship in the Argentine garment industry
  • Marie Kim - Ochikobore Seishun Shōsetsu: The Portrayal of Teenage Rebellion in Japanese Adolescent Literature
  • Amy Newland - Shaping the present, crafting the past: Imaging self-narrative in the life and work of Toyohara Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
  • Bingyu Wang - Becoming cosmopolitan?: Roots, emotions, and everyday diversity encounters amongst new Chinese migrants in New Zealand
  • Jingzhi Zhu - The Effect of Musical Aptitude: Perceiving and Producing Mandarin Lexical Tones By Non-Native Speakers of Chinese
  • Jocelyn Chambers - Self, text and sisterhood: Shi Pingmei's strategic deployment of autobiographicality in the Wild Rose Weekly (Qiangwei Zhoukan)
  • Ruicai Kong - Performing the Revolution: Socialist Realism and Its Heterogeneity in the Model Performances
  • Yihua Hong - Korean Chinese in multicultural South Korea: Identity challenges and Korean nation-building
  • Wei Li - A virtual Chinatown: The diasporic mediasphere of Chinese migrants in New Zealand
  • Ting Luo - Post-realism as an alternative aesthetics in contemporary Chinese cinema
  • Hang Yin - Chinese-language cyberspace: Overseas Chinese cyber nationalism and migrant identity
  • Lanyin Chao - The February 28 Incident in fiction from a postcolonial perspective
  • Jun Nakamura - Cognitive semantics of the qualitative suffix in the Japaense spatial demonstratives koko, soko, and asoko: SPACE, THING, and TIME
  • Jing Shen - Masculinity and the nation: Film narratives of the nation In 1930s and 1980s China
  • Tonghong Cai - Redefining a new cinema: A textual study of Chinese new-generation films
  • Liangni Liu - Homeland on the move: New Chinese immigrants of New Zealand and crossing-border transnationals
  • Howard Gilbert - Wrestling with globalisation: Amateur sumo as a nascent global sport
  • Shan Xu - Forging private enterprises in Jilin: The political economy of institutional change
  • Phoebe H Li - A virtual Chinatown: The diasporic mediasphere of Chinese migrants in New Zealand
  • Hong-yu Gong - Missionaries, reformers, and the beginnings of western music in late imperial China (1839-1911)