The campaign to stop killer robots Event as iCalendar

(Politics and International Relations, School of Social Sciences)

03 May 2019


Venue: Lecture theatre 220, Te Puna Aronui / Humanities Building (206-220)

Contact email:

Mary Wareham | Human Rights Watch Arms Division

Fully autonomous weapons, also know as "killer robots", will be able to select and engage targets without human interventions.  It is questionable whether these weapons would be capable of meeting international humanitarian law standards, including the rules of distinction, proportionality, and military necessity. 

They also threaten the fundamental right to life principle of human dignity. Mary will discuss the need for New Zealand to develop coherent policy to guide its multilateral disarmament diplomacy on this unprecedented threat to humanity.

Mary Wareham is the Advocacy Director of Human Rights Watch's Arms Division and Global Coordinator of the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots.